On Thursday most of Room 25 skipped for the Heart Foundation and Asia Downunder. The camera man was really serious because he wanted everything to be PERFECT. We had to skip with one rope for a while and we did the basic skip, the bell, the skier and the crossover. Then we went in to groups and skipped with the long ropes. After we went to the plaground and played while the serious camera man interviewed the ladies from the Heart Foundation. If you want to see us we will be on Asia Downunder on the 22nd March 2009, 8.30 channel 1. Dont miss it! We had lots of fun !
How exciting to be filmed for TV. I love that you were skipping for the Heart Foundation too. I will certainly watch Asia Down Under to see you all.
Well done Mega 25.
From Mrs McGhie
Well done Mega 25! I am SO proud of you and I can't wait to see you all on TV!! Not long to wait now! Miss S.
Wow! That's FANTASTIC!
I'll have to get Miss Tizard to send me a copy to show the kids from Showtime. We are doing an item this year in the show that is all about skipping!
How cool that you guys are skipping for the Heart Foundation! You're TV stars
Your skipping day sounds like a lot of fun. That must be really exciting to be filming for tv. We must remember to watch you. What kind of skipping can you do with the long ropes? Can you do double dutch?
Hi Room 4,
This is the kind of skipping we can do with the long ropes - basic, double dutch, we can jump in and out, run through the ropes, the teddy bear song and more. What can you do?
Mega 25
HI evryone
this is E.B FROM MEGA 25!
It was really fun skipping. Me and my best friend A.C got filmed on the playground!
When we were skipping me and L.G got fillmed skipping in the long rope.
I can`t wait until tomorrow because we are on tv!
bye for now E.B
WOW that must be fun being filmed by a camera
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