Monday, October 19, 2009

The Alphabet Key

This week we practiced the Alphabet Key again for Thinking... We did an amazing job and only missed out on a few letters. Do you think you could help us fill in the gaps?

Our theme was Music
Our topic was Musical Instruments and Bands/Singers.

We got almost all of them but need help with:
Both: Y
Instrument for: I, J, L, M, N, O, Q, W, Z
Band/Singer: X

A - Avril Lavigne / ACDC / Air Guitar
B - Basshunter / Bass
C - Chris Brown / Cello
D - Dave Dobbyn / Drums
E - Elvis / Electric Guitar
F - Finn Brothers / Flute
G - GnR / Gin Wigmore / Guitar
H - Hollie Smith / Harmonica
I - I Monster / __________
J - Johnny Cash / Jackson 5 / _____________
K - Kelly Clarkson / Keyboard
L - Linkin Park / ____________
M - Midnight Youth / __________
N - Nesian Mystik / ____________
O - Op Shop / ___________
P - PNC / Piano
Q - Queen / ___________
R - Robbie Williams / Recorder
S - Smashproof / Saxophone
T - Twisted Sister / Tuba
U - U2 / Ukelele
V - Violent Femmes / Violin
W - The Who / ___________
X - ____________ / Xylophone
Y - ___________ / __________
Z - Zed / ZZ Top / __________

We had many more instruments, bands and singers that didn't make our class list, so you are welcome to share your own ideas too!